


The Movie

Nope. Not a superhero movie...

SuperDude is an American spin-off comedy film which is a pseudo-sequel of This Is 40, Knocked Up and Pineapple Express rolled into one. With an all-star cast, the film is hoped for release in North America in 2022.  Read more... 

Paul Rudd, Leslie Mann, Seth Rogen, Maude Apatow, Iris Apatow, James Franco, Danny McBride, Susan Sarandon, Adam Sandler, Amy Schumer, Woody Harrelson, Steve Carell, Craig Robinson, Maya Rudolph, Cheech Marin, Tommy Chong, John Lithgow, Albert Brooks, Doug Benson and more...**

**And your twist? 

No- the movie is not set in stone. In fact, this website was built to create a fanbase and attract the attention of Judd or Seth to pitch this idea. Can you help? Read the storyline...